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White Plains Hospital Earns Recognition From The Joint Commission

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -  White Plains Hospital on Wednesday was named a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America.

The hospital was recognized by The Joint Commission for exemplary performance in using evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for certain conditions.

The hospital is one of 1,099 hospitals in the U.S. earning the distinction of Top Performer on Key Quality Measures for attaining and sustaining excellence in accountability measure performance. It was recognized for achievement in heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care measure sets based on an aggregation of accountability data reported to The Joint Commission during the 2012 calendar year. The list of Top Performer organizations represents just 33 percent of all Joint Commission-accredited hospitals reporting accountability measure performance data for 2012.

“We understand that what matters most to patients at White Plains Hospital is safe, effective care. That’s why we have made a commitment to accreditation and to positive patient outcomes through evidence-based care processes. We are very proud to receive the distinction of being a Joint Commission Top Performer on Key Quality Measures,” Michael Palumbo, M.D., executive vice president and medical director at White Plains Hospital, said.

White Plains Hospital and each of the other hospitals that were named as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures must:

  1. Achieve cumulative performance of 95 percent or above across all reported accountability measures
  2. Achieve performance of 95 percent or above on each and every reported accountability measure where there are at least 30 denominator cases
  3. Have at least one core measure set that has a composite rate of 95 percent or above, and within that measure set all applicable individual accountability measures have a performance rate of 95 percent or above.

A 95 percent score means a hospital provided an evidence-based practice 95 times out of 100 opportunities. Each accountability measure represents an evidence-based practice – examples include giving aspirin at arrival for heart attack patients and giving antibiotics one hour before surgery.

“White Plains Hospital and all of the Top Performer hospitals have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to quality improvement and they should be proud of their achievement,” said Mark R. Chassin, M.D., FACP, M.P.P., M.P.H., president and Chief Executive Officer, The Joint Commission.

In addition to being included in the release of The Joint Commission’s “Improving America’s Hospitals” annual report, White Plains Hospital will be recognized on The Joint Commission’s Quality Check website ( The Top Performer program will be featured in the December issues of The Joint Commission Perspectives and The Source.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, White Plains Hospital. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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